Writing a payment gateway module

This is a developer guide for programmers wanting to write a payment_gateway for a payment provider. This guide assumes a beginner level of expertise in writing modules for Tryton.

The examples in the case use Authorize.net as an example. The completely built module can be seen on github (payment-gateway-authorize-net).

Step 0: Identify a qualified name for the provider

To keep the code simple, the payment-gateway module appends the name of the provider to method names and expects them to exist in the models. This requires that you use a consistent provider name which can also be a valid identifier in python.

In this example the provider name chosen is authorize_net for Authorize.net. Though it is not a requirement, the identifier is all in small case as python identifiers are case sensitive and method names by coding convention use small case.

Step 1: Setup the payment gateway fields for configuration

Every payment gateway has a different way of authentication and requirements. Hence, the only common component the base module offers you is a test boolean field if the gateway is working in a test mode or production.

Add provider name to providers selection list

As you can see in the code above, the fields’ properties are based on the value of the provider field which is a trytond.model.fields.Selection in which the options are returned by the get_providers() method. So the code also needs to inject authorize_net as an option.:

def get_providers(cls, values=None):
    Add authorize_net as a provider option.
    rv = super(PaymentGatewayAuthorize, cls).get_providers()
    authorize_record = ('authorize_net', 'Authorize.net')
    if authorize_record not in rv:
    return rv

The model also includes a method selection field in which the values are added dynamically based on the chosen provider. This is achieved using the selection_change_with functionality of selection fields.:

def get_methods(self):
    if self.provider == 'authorize_net':
        return [
            ('credit_card', 'Credit Card - Authorize.net'),
    return super(PaymentGatewayAuthorize, self).get_methods()

The currently recognised types and the special features attached to them are:

Method name Description
credit_card When credit card is the method chosen, the payment transaction form shows the Enter Credit Card button. Other methods are considered as off-line payment methods, with no special functionality attached to it.


Future versions of the module may support additional methods like Electronic Bill payments (EBP) and Automated Clearing House (ACH) which works like electronic versions of cheques.

Add gateway specific fields to the model

Authorize.net requires a login and transaction_key to interact with it’s web service API. So the two fields can be created into the payment_gateway.gateway module:

class PaymentGatewayAuthorize:
    __name__ = 'payment_gateway.gateway'

    authorize_net_login = fields.Char(
        'API Login', states={
            'required': Eval('provider') == 'authorize_net',
            'invisible': Eval('provider') != 'authorize_net',
        }, depends=['provider']
    authorize_net_transaction_key = fields.Char(
        'Transaction Key', states={
            'required': Eval('provider') == 'authorize_net',
            'invisible': Eval('provider') != 'authorize_net',
        }, depends=['provider']


The states make the field appear only when the chosen provider is Authorize.net. The fields are also required only when Authorize.net is the gateway.

Add the fields to the view

The fields above will not be available on the view of the gateway unless explicitly added using XML. The base module provides an empty notebook into which pages can be added which are displayed based on the value of the provider selection field.

<!-- XML record for the view which inherits gateway form view -->
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="gateway_view_form">
    <field name="model">payment_gateway.gateway</field>
    <field name="inherit" ref="payment_gateway.gateway_view_form"/>
    <field name="name">gateway_form</field>

And the view code could be something like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xpath expr="/form/notebook" position="inside">
        <page string="Authorize.net Settings" id="authorize_net"
                states="{'invisible': Eval('provider') != 'authorize_net'}">
            <label name="authorize_net_login"/>
            <field name="authorize_net_login"/>
            <label name="authorize_net_transaction_key"/>
            <field name="authorize_net_transaction_key"/>


The empty notebook in the original view (payment_gateway.gateway_view_form) in the xpath /form/notebook offers a simple way to add payment gateway specific configuration fields on a separate notebook page which is visible only when the gateway which defines them is chosen.

Step 2: Add Methods for transactions

Payment gateway transaction usually involve the following operations. The method names used for the same are also highlighted in the table.

Operation Description Prefix Example
Authorization Authorization hold (also card authorization, preauthorization, or preauth) is the practice within the banking industry of authorizing electronic transactions done with a debit card or credit card and holding this balance as unavailable either until the merchant clears the transaction (also called settlement), or the hold “falls off.” authorize_ authorize_authorize_net
Settle Credit card settlement is the process by which authorized transactions are submitted to card issuers for payment. settle_ settle_authorize_net
Capture Capture is the process of performing an authorization and settlement at once without having separate steps. capture_ capture_authorize_net
Retry When a transaction fails some gateways offer the option to retry the transaction which failed. retry_ retry_authorize_net
Update Update the transaction status. update_ update_authorize_net
Cancel Cancel an authorization cancel_ cancel_authorize_net

Not all of the above methods need to be implemented for a gateway to be useful. The capture method is a minimum requirement for a functional gateway.


This example uses a third party python module called authorize_sause to interact with authorize.net.



Authorize the current transaction with the card (if provided) or the payment_profile.

Parameters:card_info – An instance of CreditCardView
Raises UserError:
 If card and profile are missing.

This instance method receives the transaction to be authorized as its instance (self) and optionally card_info if a card was entered for the transaction to be processed. The card_info is available only when the transaction processed using a card. Alternatively, a previously stored payment profile could have been specified in the payment_profile field:

def authorize_authorize_net(self, card_info=None):
    Authorize using authorize.net for the specific transaction.

    :param credit_card: An instance of CreditCardView
    :raises UserError: If card and profile are missing.
    TransactionLog = Pool().get('payment_gateway.transaction.log')

    client = self.gateway.get_authorize_client()

    # A hack to inject the currency paramater into base_params of the
    # authorize sause transaction API since the implementation iself
    # does not offer a better way of handling currency
    client._transaction.base_params['x_currency_code'] = self.currency.code

    if card_info:
        # Card information is specified, so create a Credit Card
        cc = CreditCard(
        credit_card = client.card(cc)
    elif self.payment_profile:
        # A stored payment profile is used to process the transaction.
        # Use the saved card instead
        credit_card = client.saved_card(

        # try to authorize the card for the amount in the transaction
        result = credit_card.auth(self.amount)
    except AuthorizeResponseError, exc:
        # This error is raised when Authorize.net returns an error
        # response
        self.state = 'failed'

        # The full response of the error is part of the exception
        # raised, store that in the logs for easy debugging.
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, exc.full_response)
        # the authorization was succesful, so set the state and save
        self.state = 'authorized'
        self.provider_reference = str(result.uid)

        # Save the full response either way into the logs
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, result.full_response)



Settle the current transaction for the full amount.

This instance method receives the transaction to be authorized as its instance (self). On being called it attempts to settle the complete amount of the transaction with the service provider. Future versions may support the ability to have partial settlements.:

def settle_authorize_net(self):
    Settles this transaction if it is a previous authorization.
    TransactionLog = Pool().get('payment_gateway.transaction.log')

    client = self.gateway.get_authorize_client()

    # A hack to inject the currency paramater into base_params of the
    # authorize sause transaction API since the implementation iself
    # does not offer a better way of handling currency
    client._transaction.base_params['x_currency_code'] = self.currency.code

    auth_net_transaction = client.transaction(self.provider_reference)
        # Try to settle the transaction
        result = auth_net_transaction.settle()
    except AuthorizeResponseError, exc:
        # This error is raised whn Authorize.net returns an error
        # response
        self.state = 'failed'
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, exc.full_response)
        # Mark the transaction as completed.
        self.state = 'completed'
        self.provider_reference = str(result.uid)
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, result.full_response)

        # Try to post the transaction


The safe_post() method is a helper which tries to post the transaction, but on failure, it ignores the attempt without an error. This is important as an error at this stage would mean the transaction state being changed on the service provider while tryton may not have the right status because the error caused a rollback.



Capture and complete the current transaction with the card (if provided) or the payment_profile.

Parameters:card_info – An instance of CreditCardView
Raises UserError:
 If card and profile are missing.

This instance method receives the transaction to be authorized as its instance (self) and optionally card_info if a card was entered for the transaction to be processed. The card_info is available only when the transaction processed using a card. Alternatively, a previously stored payment profile could have been specified in the payment_profile field:

def capture_authorize_net(self, card_info=None):
    Capture using authorize.net for the specific transaction.

    :param card_info: An instance of CreditCardView
    TransactionLog = Pool().get('payment_gateway.transaction.log')

    client = self.gateway.get_authorize_client()

    # A hack to inject the currency paramater into base_params of the
    # authorize sause transaction API since the implementation iself
    # does not offer a better way of handling currency
    client._transaction.base_params['x_currency_code'] = self.currency.code

    if card_info:
        cc = CreditCard(
        credit_card = client.card(cc)
    elif self.payment_profile:
        # A stored payment profile is used to process the transaction.
        # Use the saved card instead
        credit_card = client.saved_card(

        result = credit_card.capture(self.amount)
    except AuthorizeResponseError, exc:
        self.state = 'failed'
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, exc.full_response)
        self.state = 'completed'
        self.provider_reference = str(result.uid)
        TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, result.full_response)



Cancel the current transaction authorization.

With authorize.net cancellation Voids a previous authorization that has not yet been settled:

def cancel_authorize_net(self):
    Cancel this authorization or request
    TransactionLog = Pool().get('payment_gateway.transaction.log')

    if self.state != 'authorized':

    client = self.gateway.get_authorize_client()
    client._transaction.base_params['x_currency_code'] = self.currency.code

    auth_net_transaction = client.transaction(self.provider_reference)

    # Try to void the transaction
    result = auth_net_transaction.void()

    # Mark the state as cancelled
    self.state = 'cancel'

    TransactionLog.serialize_and_create(self, result.full_response)

Step 3: Add support for payment profiles (Optional)

If the gateway you are writing supports storing confidential credit card information for later use, the provider could be added to the supported providers for maintaining payment profiles of parties.

The addition of a payment profile is expected to add the card to the payment provider’s vault and return a unique reference to it which is stored in provider_reference field.

Add provider to selection field

Extend the party.payment_profile.add_view model to add the provider identifier as an option in the providers selection field:

class AddPaymentProfileView:
    __name__ = 'party.payment_profile.add_view'

    def get_providers(cls):
        Return the list of providers who support credit card profiles.
        res = super(AddPaymentProfileView, cls).get_providers()
        res.append(('authorize_net', 'Authorize.net'))
        return res

Implement transition_add method

The AddPaymentProfile wizard offers a form to the user to fill up confidential information which is then sent to the server.

The API requires that a transition_add_<provider_identifier> method be available which should create the card on the payment provider’s server and save the reference to the provider_reference.

A convenience method PaymentProfile.create_profile() creates a new profile and returns the active record of the created profile, when called with the payment provider’s reference as an argument:

class AddPaymentProfile:
    Add a payment profile
    __name__ = 'party.party.payment_profile.add'

    def transition_add_authorize_net(self):
        Handle the case if the profile should be added for authorize.net
        card_info = self.card_info

        client = card_info.gateway.get_authorize_client()
        cc = CreditCard(
        address = Address(
        saved_card = AuthorizeCreditCard(
        saved_card = saved_card.save()

        return 'end'
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